Well looky here. The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Comission makes clear that the law doesn't count hate-speech that promotes prejudice against an inherited pigmentation characteristic (i.e. racism) as actionable discrimination....
But wait a moment, what was with that whole TRIAL and CONVICTION against Catch The Fire Ministeries anti-islamic comments?
You know, the one that had several religious groups claiming the Victorian law as a reason the nation shouldn't have a Human Rights Act?
So what happened? Are they applying the law differently for Red Haired people than for Islam? Or did they change the law to pander to whining Christians distraught that they may be held fairly and equally accountable for Slander and Libel and Villification against followers of another faith?
But only red hair AGAIN.
Apparrently while they consider it regretable that red haired people are the subjects of prejudice its so fine to hate members of the Emo culture that they don't warrant any mention. Apparently Red Haired people like my Aunt are Human but the Emo's in town are not.
The SHAME of this foul unethical and abhorent and cynical Human Rights Abuse, the subsequent ignoring of Emo and only recognising the effects on red haired people STAINS the state of Victoria, STAINS our national broadcaster the ABC and STAINS The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Comission.
InterAction for Health and Human Rights Welcomes the Launch of the National
Action Plan for the Health and Wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ People
InterAction for Health and Human Rights (previously known as Intersex
Human Rights Australia) is proud to welcome the launch of the National
Action Plan ...
1 week ago
Is this a reference to the video?
Sigh, spam. I'll clean it all up when i get back home.
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